Sunday, June 5, 2016

Everyday Life 6.3.16: refreshing times

Last Sunday Joe was a dear and watched the kids so I could go out for a couple of hours by myself.  Wow--I knew I could use some time to re-group but I was surprised by how refreshing it was.  I sat by the creek at our local park for an hour or so and then moved to the library when thunder threatened (and the library had opened).  I'd forgotten how much time I used to spend in libraries before I was married...wonderful places.  It was delightful to be able to browse the aisles, pulling a pile of books just because I felt like it (it's like free shopping!), and then to sit down by the huge windows overlooking the lake and write for a while.  It was wonderful and my soul felt much more put-together by the time I got home.  


On Monday I ran out and picked up some plants.  I love to garden but our north-facing patio doesn't offer much opportunity (or sunlight) for many plants, so while we live here I'm settling for growing herbs and shade-tolerant flowers in pots.  Just getting my hands in the dirt makes me happy.  I'm excited to have fresh herbs for my culinary endeavors through the summer and I even took transplants from a couple of my herbs at home--the peppermint that nobody can eliminate and my original oregano plant (it's starting to think it's a bush).  James absolutely loves to help me water.


James cracks me up with his little ways of saying things.  "Open da wight?"  (open the light?) when he wants it turned on.  Or "Open da date?" (open the gate?) when he wants the blinds open.  "Da Dawbage Twuck!" is one of his most favorite things now.  I got him a garbage truck book and it's now his favorite by far; he's well on his way to having it memorized.  He sings a lot and when we visited my parents he was doing some pretty awesome left-handed finger-picking on Grandpa's guitar.  


Emily is 11 months as of Thursday.  She brings us so much joy.  The other day my mom was on the phone and Emily put her little hand up to her ear and started talking too.  :)  I got her a Pride and Prejudice board book (it's a counting primer: one English village, two rich gentlemen, and so on).   It's sooooo cute and it's fun to start collecting more girly books.  (Don't tell her, but I'm getting her Sense and Sensibility for her birthday next month.)  



I'm so grateful for good friends.  Especially when they also happen to be family.  The other day I took the kids over to Christy's (Te-Te, James calls her) and we had a lovely time sitting in the sun with tea, biscotti and handwork while the cousins played.   It's so nice to have a friend who's a few years further along the motherhood journey than I am.  (It's crazy to think that about ten years ago we were sharing thoughts about singleness, college, and such.)  Long term friendships are a wonderful gift.


Well, this one has percolated for a while.  It's Sunday again and I should get this up before the new week begins.  Have a lovely week, friends!  



Park time with Grandma!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you could take a little bit of retreat time for some soul rest! We all need that every so often. :) It's fun to see your herbs all planted! I'm counting the days 'til we have a bit of yard and dirt...if we aren't inheriting chickens along with our house I definitely want to try to grow something! Love this post and all the lovely, ordinary tidbits of life that you share. Thank you, Sis. <3
