Friday, April 15, 2016

Everyday Life 4.15.16

Today is quiet.  Both kids are sleeping.  I just worked over wedding music on the piano and finalized some notation stuff and now I'm drinking coffee to combat the late-afternoon tiredness.  It's quiet outside too.  Still and grey.  The grass is green, trees are starting to leaf out, blossoms are beautiful in defiance of a whopping storm we had a few weeks ago.  Another whopping storm is on track for this weekend, starting with rain later today and turning to snow tonight.  I'm grateful that the wedding is next weekend, not this weekend.

Yesterday I was getting out carrots for muffins.  James grabbed a large one and I let him keep it.  Want to encourage healthy habits, no?  He took a bite right off the end and then started hobbling around, using it as a walking stick.  (Yes, it was a large carrot, but he still had to bend over substantially to get it to touch the floor.)  A few minutes later, he was in the living room talking on his new carrot-phone.  Later in the afternoon he came to me in distress: "Carrot? Gone?"  Since his mouth was full of carrot I thought that perhaps he'd actually eaten the whole thing.  But no, there was Carrot out on the porch, just out of reach.  It became the new activity: hide/throw/otherwise stow Carrot in a hard to reach location, and come to Mummy or Daddy in distress for help in retrieving it.  So works the brain of a small boy.  (I wish I had pictures, but I wasn't fast enough and he wouldn't re-do it for the camera...)

Tonight we have small group.  Since we've been attending a much larger church than anything I've ever been part of before I have seen the importance of home groups/small groups/whatever you call them.  It's been slightly out of my comfort zone to meet with and get to know these people, but it has been so good.  It has blessed us so much to develop relationships and study Galatians with other younger couples with small children (lots of small children).  It's our turn to bring dessert and I made a chocolate chip cake.

Emily is awake and needs to eat before we go.  Sometimes I feel like the things that fill my days are so small and un-earth-shattering.  But it's my life right now, and it's so good.  I'm going to try to celebrate and write beauty into the tiny things, instead of apologizing for the lack of deep and amazing substance in my posts.  Cheers!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful picture of spring! And despite our longings for deep things, the little things of life will always be there too. Deep things and tiny beauties together make a rich life, I think.
